Richard Kovacs
The sudo bug
Did you also think that Unix-based operating systems are the superior species in terms of security? Well, maybe you should reconsider that. In early 2021, a severe bug was found in them, which affected many Unix systems. When the report about it arrived, the bug was already patched, but let’s look at it in this article.

Daniel Szpisjak
SecurityDrops joins SCADEMY
Early March, I and SecurityDrops with me joined SCADEMY - Secure Coding Academy. Expect content. More and better quality content from me and from experienced peers alike. I will dedicate more time to the blog and curating its content.

Daniel Szpisjak
Injections, where code meets data
Injections are still one, if not the most serious, flaws a developer can make. This post deconstructs the vulnerability and puts it back together to offer you a solid understanding to build on. After reading it, you will never think of injections the same way.

Daniel Szpisjak
Use this mental model to learn security
Mental models help us learn faster and more efficiently. The security field can be viewed from two different viewpoints. One is very high-level, dealing with abstract ideas. Let’s call it macro. The other deals with the details, of how the smaller parts interact. That’s the micro.

Daniel Szpisjak
Inside a crypto black-box
AES, also known as the Advanced Encryption Standard, is one of the fundamental building blocks of today’s secure communications. Let’s take a peek inside and see how it works.

Daniel Szpisjak
Introducing the Labs
Optimal learning happens when theory meets practice. The Securitydrops Labs is designed to give you a training ground to practice your hands-on skills. It gives you a highly configurable web application, where you can play around in a sandbox.